Attics play a vital role in your home’s condition, integrity, and energy efficiency. When your attic is not properly cleaned, insulated, sealed, and maintained, it can develop foul odors, harbor animals, and increase your utility bill.
At Clean Crawls, we provide attic cleaning, insulation, and animal exclusion services in Bellevue. Our aim is to make your attic clean, safe, and energy efficient to enhance your family’s overall life quality.
Most attics have numerous gaps, holes, and cracks in both walls and ceilings. These spaces can be filled by water, dust, and other potential contaminants. If left untreated, these conditions can produce animal infestations, thereby encouraging mold colonies to thrive.
Additionally, water can damage your insulation, which in turn makes your home less energy efficient. Professional, thorough attic cleaning services will help you eliminate these problems and restore your attic.
Attic insulation is pivotal for your home’s energy efficiency. If your attic is not properly insulated, vast quantities of expensive energy escape through the nooks and crannies each day. When your insulation gets wet, dirty, shredded, or simply thins out, it becomes much less effective. At Clean Crawls, we provide professional attic insulation services to all homes in Bellevue, helping homes restore their energy efficiency and air quality.
Unkempt, rarely visited attics make the perfect homes for animals. Rodents, and many other types of animals can easily find sources of food in your attic, and thrive in the damp, dark environment. These animals can damage your attic insulation and even jeopardize your home’s structural integrity. Our professional animal exclusion services are performed as an animal deterrent and is a vital part of effectively controlling animal infestations and re-infestation.
If your attic is emanating foul odors, or is suffering other signs of neglect, it’s time to make a change. Homeowners that decide to clean out their attics and install new insulation are always pleasantly surprised by the difference in energy efficiency and air quality. Contact Clean Crawls today for more information about attic cleaning and insulation services. Contact Clean Crawls today here!