Crawl Space and Attic Insualtion Tips & DIY

Tag: Temperature Fluctuations


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The Importance of Proper Attic Ventilation

By Ed Steenman on September 12, 2017

Homeowners are constantly looking for ways to better their home. One of the most common problems that homeowners encounter is a house that is too hot during the summer and/or too cold during the winter. Here in the Pacific Northwest, we’re all too familiar with dampness and chilly air – but we’d all prefer to

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How to Identify If You Need New Insulation

By Ed Steenman on April 4, 2017

Does your home have an unpleasant odor emanating from the attic? Are your energy bills inexplicably high all of the sudden? Do you notice random drafts or unexplained heat retention in certain parts of your attic? Identifying If You Need New Insulation If you answered yes to any of these questions, your attic insulation may

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Power Outages: How Insulation Protects Your Home When The Power Goes Out

By Ed Steenman on December 15, 2015

Power outages come at the most unexpected times. We might be in the middle of dinner, watching tv, getting ready in the morning, or staying at home sick, when suddenly the lights flicker and then go out. Voila-no power. Power outages are bad news for many Western Washington homeowners. Sometimes they last for several hours

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Attic Clean Out: Spring Cleaning Your Attic

By Ed Steenman on March 12, 2015

Spring has finally arrived! As trees begin to bud and flowers begin to poke their heads through the wet soil, its about time that we poke our heads up into our attics. With the arrival of spring comes the perfect opportunity to conduct a thorough spring cleaning of our homes. Here are a few ways

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Home Energy Efficiency: Why Insulation is Crucial

By Ed Steenman on November 6, 2014

The onset of cold, rainy weather has us all running for our sweaters and digging our slippers out of the closet. As winter draws nearer and nearer, we begin to anticipate the days when we need to crank on the heater to keep our homes warm and cozy. Unfortunately, nearly 85% of your home’s heat

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What You Need To Know About Prescriptive Air Sealing

By Ed Steenman on October 7, 2014

Your money might be blowing right our of your home. As the windy days of fall are rapidly approaching, it is time begin thinking about weatherizing our homes. Reducing the amount of air leakage in your home is a highly efficient and cost-effective way to cut down on heating costs, while also improving the longevity

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You Need Insulation – But Where?

By Ed Steenman on June 18, 2014

The energy saving benefits of insulation are sky high. A proper insulation job in the average American home will pay for itself in less than a year. That’s why it’s so important to make sure all of the crucial areas of your home are well insulated before the chilly weather strikes again.     When

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5 Signs that Your Crawl Space or Attic Insulation Needs To Be Replaced

By Ed Steenman on May 10, 2014

When insulation goes bad, it creates a problem throughout your entire home. Temperatures change, energy bills rise, critters leave their mark, and drafts sweep through your home on a windy day. If your home is experiencing one or all of these five signs, it’s probably time to replace your crawl space or attic insulation. 1.

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